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The Lord Of The Rings Conquest

Adaugat de Andicu pe 2024-12-13 | Voturi: 5.0/2

1 9 1 1         JED

Razor 1911 proudly presents:
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest
(C) Electronic Arts

Date: 2009-01-13                    Game Type : Action
Size: 1 DVD                         Protection: SR7 Serial Activation

Game Notes

In  this  exciting,  action  strategy game, players fight on the side of both
Good  and  Evil in all the biggest battles from The Lord of the Rings movies.
The  Battlefront  format allows them to switch between characters at will, to
suit  the  circumstance or their style, reliving  and even reinventing  the
chaotic  and  engrossing  conflicts from the films as they choose how best to
tackle  their  objectives  and  defeat  their enemies. In online multiplayer,
gamers can choose to be Evil from the outset.

Install Notes

1. Extract RARs
2. Mount or Burn image
3. Install and use one of these serials or use keygen from Razor1911 dir:


4. Copy Crack to your install folder
5. Play
Total comments: 2
2. M4rIa|\| (M4rIaN) [Entry]
the best biggrin surprised tongue

1. LK [Entry]
Prea tare jocu:X:X:X

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