Grand Theft Auto: Bud@
Autor: Robu Bogdan
Yahoo ID: jupanuje
Instructiuni si sfaturi:
-Ca sa puteti sa jucati da-ti skip(apasa-ti SpaceBar) la filmuletul de la inceput(cel cu aeroportul).
-Daca va enerveaza politia cand trece-ti de 140km/h, sterge-ti fisierele"WantedLV.cs, WantedSF.cs si
WantedLS.cs)din folderul numit "cleo" din directoriul GTA Bud@, si nu o sa va mai caute politia.
-Unele masini trebuiesc tunate sa arate bine.
-Nu garantez ca merg toate misiunile!
Instructions and tips:
-To be able to play u need to skip(press SpaceBar) the first movie(the one with the airport).
-If the police is annoying you when you go faster than 140km/h, delete the files"WantedLV.cs, WantedSF.cs and
WantedLS.cs) from the folder called "cleo" in the GTA Bud@ directory, and the police will not look for you
-Some cars need to be tuned to look good.
-I don't guarantee that all the missions work!
Multumesc tuturor celor care au creat modurile care le-am folosit!
Thanks to all who created the mods that I used!
7 - aprinzi farurile
9 - stingi farurile
8 - ridici capota
U - deschizi usa stanga fata
I - deschizi usa dreapta fata
J - deschizi usa stanga spate
K - deschizi usa dreapta spate
M - deschizi portbagajul
O - inchizi toate usile+capota+portbagaj
P - pornesti motorul
L - opresti motorul
0 - te incui in masina(politia nu te poate aresta)