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Need For Speed Undercover

Adaugat de Vandisa pe 2024-12-27 | Voturi: 5.0/2


Need For Speed: Undercover (c) Electronic Arts

11/2008 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Securom
1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Racing

You never thought it would turn out like this, an all-out chase where youre
the hunted. And the hunter. Now you must get behind the wheel and risk
everything to infiltrate a ruthless international crime syndicate and take
them down.
The man youre after is a maniac behind the wheel, and hes driving like his
life depends on escape, which maybe it does. Hes the one with all the
answers you need, you will track him down. Needless to say, that fleet of
police cruisers in your rearview mirror wont make things any easier.
It will take all of your experience, and every ounce of skill, to outrun the
law, take down the enemy, and unlock the truth that puts an end to this
chase once and for all.

1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount the image.
3. Install the game using the keygen found in the Crack folder.
4. Copy the content of the Crack dir to your installation folder.
5. Play the game.

The other release was obviously a repacked p2p-clone with a loader.
Total comments: 4
4. ADINEL [Entry]
e un joc de nota zece si e foarte tare

3. ADINEL [Entry]
e un joc de milioane de tare

2. vlad [Entry]
cine poate sa ma ajute sa il descarc si eu

1. sasha [Entry]

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